Have We Overcomplicated The American Physician Burnout

Burnout rates among America’s physicians are rising precipitously. According to new data published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 63% of physicians reported at least one symptom of burnout at the start of this year. That’s a 44% jump since 2017. At the same time, just 30% of physicians say they’re satisfied with their work-life balance, steeply down from 43% in just five years.

Is the pandemic to blame for these alarming numbers? At the start of it, just 38% of physicians reported one or more symptoms of burnout while 46 percent were satisfied with their work-life balance.

No doubt the pandemic is part of the problem. The overtaxed ICUs, the inexcusable lack of PPE, the continuing mortality rate have all played havoc with physicians’ psyches, as well as those of their non-physician colleagues.

But the pandemic isn’t the whole story. We’ve been talking about physician burnout for a long time now. Mayo started publishing its survey in 2011. And in its recently released National Plan for Health Workforce Well-being, The National Academy of Medicine acknowledges that while “the U.S. health workforce has been under threat for years by an epidemic of burnout…the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated” the issue.

So if the pandemic poured fuel on the fire, what caused the initial spark?


Being Unseen

In the last few decades, small, intimate, family-owned practices have merged into large multispecialty groups, often owned by hospitals and other entities. I don’t recall any of my classmates in medical school eagerly wishing that after graduating they could go on to practice medicine inside a large, corporate-owned healthcare entity. And yet, we’ve turned doctors from owners of their own practices into employees of large corporations, line-workers if you will. And how many employees of large corporations feel seen or heard or feel agency to actually accomplish things? Sadly, not many.

The discussions of the causes of burnout seem endless and complicated. But what it boils down to is that our healthcare system has taken a group of people who are trained to be professionals and agents on behalf of their patients and wrapped a lot of painful bureaucracy and infrastructure around them, leaving them feeling invisible.

What’s more, the problems incurred by that bureaucracy compound themselves. I recall a time when physicians disliked the term doctor. But in the new corporate parlance they’re providers. Of course, the company they work for is also called a provider. As are the highly differentiated group of professionals—physicians’ assistants, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, and pharmacists, among others—whom they work alongside. Calling all patient-facing staff providers makes physicians feel like they’re just a part of a bigger machine—in other words, invisible.

And then there’s the work. For many physicians, the dominant source of joy they felt entering the medical profession was time spent interacting with their patients. And yet, according to studies, some physicians spend about half as much time interacting with patients as they do on desk work and entering information into EHRs. A profession that, for literally thousands of years, was highly social and interactive has become lonely, isolated and, let’s face it, dull.

Enter Consolidation

Do physicians have some responsibility to bear for what’s happened to their profession? Of course. For much of the last half century, physicians remained largely absent from discussions of national policy and local efforts to drive systemic improvement in health care. In many cases they failed to use the implicit moral authority associated with their profession to advance the interests of their mission, as opposed to their own parochial interests. The seat at the decision-making table was not taken away from them, exactly; rather, it was never affirmatively taken.

Which is not to lay all of the blame for burnout on physicians. Far from it. The departure from solo and small-group medical practice was as much an active decision for some as an economic imperative. And those who work for larger healthcare systems today face a new challenge compounding the burnout issue: lack of competition.

It’s one thing to feel invisible in the midst of a large corporate health system. But the issue is made exponentially worse when alternatives are few and far between. In a recent study, researchers at Deloitte estimated that over the next decade America will have half as many health systems as it does today. Whatever other changes to healthcare this portends, it means that physicians who are unhappy with their current employer increasingly have nowhere to go—a prospect that’s easy to see leading straight to burnout.

It’s no wonder the “Great Resignation” has found its way into healthcare.

Where We’re Heading

People who know me know that behind my critical eye—I’m an eternal optimist. So before we despair, it’s important to take stock of some entities that are bucking the trends and supporting their physicians. Agilon Health and Aledade, for example, both provide independent physician groups with the infrastructure they need to participate in Accountable Care Organizations, Medicare Advantage, and other value-based care operations without having to affiliate with larger health systems. In other words, systems like these enable physicians to participate in the value-based care systems that are increasingly improving healthcare without becoming invisible.

There is also the looming possibility that state attorneys general and officials at the Federal Trade Commission will begin to look at the vertically integrated mega health systems and monopolistic systems that are prone to making physicians feel invisible and say enough is enough—and begin to call for their breakup.

I’m a physician and I’m a child of a physician who never burned out. Never even crossed his mind. Yeah, my father made a good living, but the reward was never the money. It was the patients. The laughter in the exam room. The tears shed with their families. It was the consults with the colleagues. And yes, it was the status. He loved practicing medicine. Because he felt like he mattered. He felt like he was seen.

In the coming days, well-intentioned authors in prestigious academic journals will write well-reasoned articles about physician burnout. They’ll dissect the problem from every angle and offer prescriptions that include words like resilience and work-life balance and perform trials of interventions to reduce burn-out.

What they’ll ignore is the obvious.

In the era of “big healthcare,” physicians feel like they don’t matter.

They feel smaller and smaller and more invisible in the context of behemoth organizations whose leadership and direction feels far removed from—and sometimes utterly disinterested in—the frontlines of care delivery.

We owe it to ourselves to make it better before it is too late.

Unless, of course, it already is.